Our Pastoral Team

Rev. Joshua Yeung

Senior Pastor

Rev. Joshua Yeung accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord in his teens. At around age 19, he heeded God’s call to full-time Christian ministry. During his seminary training, our Loving Lord placed a burden in his heart to plant a church in Surrey. Ever since 1997, the Surrey Christian Alliance Church's inception, Joshua resolutely shepherded the church.

Looking forward, Rev. Joshua aspires to serve the Lord steadfastly, together with his dear wife, Helen. His fervent prayers are that more people will fully experience the saving grace of Jesus, as well, that more sisters and brothers will eagerly devote to serve and further God’s Kingdom.

Over the years, by God's grace, he completed Bachelor of Theology, Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Ministry.

Pastor Daniel Park

English Ministry Pastor

Pastor Daniel Park was born and raised in Toronto and accepted Jesus as his Savior as a child. He was called to the ministry in his second year at the University of Toronto where he studied philosophy and political science. He came to Vancouver and studied at Regent College and completed a Master of Divinity. He has served churches in the Vancouver area and South Korea, where he lived for ten years, serving the international community. He has a passion to disciple people into a deeper relationship with Christ and to share the Gospel through the community of God.

He enjoys life in Vancouver with his wife Peace and his three children Enoch, Pauline and Evangeline. He enjoys hiking, jogging, biking, playing guitar and piano.

Pastor Peter Li

Mandarin Ministry Pastor

Pastor Peter Li was born and raised in China. After receiving his degree in civil engineering, he worked as a civil engineer in China for over 12 years. In 2003, he and his family immigrated to Canada. That was when he met Jesus Christ and made a decision to follow Him. He worked in several Canadian construction companies as a registered professional engineer.

In 2016, Peter responded to God's call to full-time ministry and started his Master of Divinity studies at the Canadian Chinese School of Theology. In 2020, he was called to serve in the Mandarin-speaking community at SCAC. Pastor Peter's passions are evangelism, preaching and teaching the Word of God. His favourite sports are marathon, hiking, and fishing. Peter and his wife, Donna, are blessed with three children.

Myra Ng

Youth Leader (Part-Time)

Mentors and peers, who became friends, were key to Myra figuring out who Jesus is and what He means to her. These people embodied Jesus’ love, compassion, and wisdom, as they took the time to walk alongside her--she hopes to continue to walk with others in the same way. She loves helping high schoolers & university students know their worth and value, work out how Jesus is relevant to the lives they live, and help them take their next step towards Jesus.

Her other joys in life are her husband, Ian; the smell of fresh baked goods; the feeling of warmth from a hot cup of tea and fuzzy blanket; the full taste of a hearty, delicious meal with good company; and the sound of silence after an eventful day, as a true introvert would say."