REFLECT & PRAY (Archive - June 2021)
July 11, 2021
As many of you may have seen on our local news, there are wildfires happening at large and many communities such as Lytton, Kamloops, Oliver and many others, are suffering because of it. Many had to evacuate their homes and face the world with many uncertainties. It’s times like this that makes holding on to God so much more significant. For those of us who have been blessed to know Jesus, we know we can have peace in the midst of chaos. But in addition to that, we should also cry out for those who don’t know Jesus and are in the same midst of chaos. We need to come together to not only pray for the earthly needs, but of the spiritual needs as well. We, as believers, need to stand together and pray that the sweet fragrance of knowing Jesus, reaches the ends of the earth.
Pray that you will continue to thirst to know Jesus more deeply and more intimately
Pray for the communities that are impacted by the recent wildfires
Pray for those who don’t know Jesus, has the opportunity to meet Him
Pray that you will be the vessel for the Spirit to work through in order to further His kingdom
July 4, 2021
Our relationship with God will not look like someone else’s relationship with Him nor will it feel the same. And that’s what makes it so special! Because our relationship with Him is unique, He also speaks to us in a way that’s tailored just to us. But there may be days where He seems a bit silent, or maybe He seems distant. Or maybe, you’ve never experienced God “speaking” to you. Rest assured, our Heavenly Father has not abandoned you. In fact, He is with you right now wanting so badly for you to close that gap. We challenge you this week to seek God, and to hear from Him. Tell Him what’s on your mind and ask the Spirit to do His work in You! “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches” Revelation 2:17a.
Pray that you would allow God into your life and to allow the Spirit to work within you
Pray for the Spirit to continue to work in the church and the local communities
Pray for your friends, family, coworkers, and even people you have met just a couple of times, to seek Jesus and to know of His great love for them
June 6, 2021
In our unknown future, which includes hardship, how do we persevere? Knowing that we are known by our Creator--that we are cherished and valued, and knowing our unique calling from God gives us the ability, confidence, and resilience in times of fear, discomfort, and rejection.
To contemplate and apply throughout the week:
What are some tangible ways I can remember, and center or ground myself in God’s love? Try them out this week, and let the depth of His love for you sink in.
What prevents me from following Jesus, and His call for me? Share with Him your thoughts and feelings. Ask for His perspective.
God, you see me, know me, and love me. Help me to experience more of your love, daily. And, as I am filled with Your love, let it pour out to those around me--especially those different from me and hard to understand.
God, you have a call for me that goes beyond my job and titles. Help me to discover or rediscover my call. Help me to know my “for.” What am I made for? Help me lord, to discover the beautiful paradox of finding my life as I lose it for Christ.
June 13, 2021
To contemplate and apply throughout the week:
How is God calling you to make peace (shalom) with, and make the most of where you are? Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you into God’s purposes, to fill you with the spirit of Christ, and to cleanse you as His instrument. May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us, and may He establish the work of our hands, as we seek Him & follow Jesus. (Psalm 90)
How can I learn about the people in my community? What are their needs? What gifts and skills do you have to touch those around you?
Pray for God to open our eyes to the opportunities before us, and to how He is strengthening us. Pray that it would inspire us to settle, build relationships and communities, and invest in the socio-economic and spiritual fabric of the place to which God has called us.
Pray for Fraser Heights; your neighbors; your colleagues & their families; your classmates & their families; and your bullies & tormentors.
June 20, 2021
“Seek with all of your heart, and you will find me.” Place your life in the hands of Jesus. Ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, and redeem your life. He will take all your suffering, sickness, job loss, relationship loss, sin, evil, death, and cause all these things to work for your ultimate good as you are made more like Jesus.
Seek Him and find Him in everything. Allow Him to redeem every part of your life.
June 27, 2021
We are often caught up with the logistics of worship: are we singing the right songs, wearing the right clothes, reading the best biblical translation. Since the Old Testament, there has been a template of how a corporate worship is done and it has more or less been done that way for thousands of years. Why is it so important to have this kind of spiritual discipline/routine? At the end of the day, it isn’t about the songs, which translation of the Bible you’re reading, or what shirt you’re wearing. The rituals put in place aren’t there to hinder us but rather they’re there as a reminder of the gospel. The whole idea of a corporate worship is to point you back to Jesus. We challenge you this week to re-evaluate your view on your spiritual disciplines/routines. Whether that’s personal devotional time, or participating in corporate worship, whatever it may be, how can these practices point you back to Jesus and His redemptive love?
Pray to see Jesus in the season you are in.
Pray for your friends, coworkers, neighbours, family or even strangers to be able to see Jesus and His goodness.