In this week’s message, Pastor Cory Steinson guides us in the Letter to Ephesus where he paints a picture as though the church in Ephesus was receiving a report card from Jesus on how well they’re doing. There is no doubt that when it comes to doing, Ephesus received an A all across the board. But Jesus’ concern was not the doing, but rather where their heart was at.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that many of us fall into this trap of, “If I'm doing more, Jesus will love me more”. Yes, we serve as we should but it stems for a core, a foundation. And that foundation is love. It is because of Jesus’ indescribable love for us, that we fell in love with Him and it is out of this love for Him, that we want to serve Him in any capacity that we can. Pastor Cory encourages us to exercises the three R’s:
Remember your first encounter with Jesus and the joy and closeness you had when you first committed yourself in relationship with HIm.
Repent what took the place of Jesus in your life.
Return to Jesus just like when you first fell in love with Him.
Pray for the Spirit to guide you in repentance so that you can once again, be in a place of love with Jesus.
Pray to remember Jesus’ love for you each and everyday
Pray to be a vessel for God to use to reach those who needs to be reached