REFLECT & PRAY (Archive - July 2021)

July 4, 2021


Our relationship with God will not look like someone else’s relationship with Him nor will it feel the same. And that’s what makes it so special! Because our relationship with Him is unique, He also speaks to us in a way that’s tailored just to us. But there may be days where He seems a bit silent, or maybe He seems distant. Or maybe, you’ve never experienced God “speaking” to you. Rest assured, our Heavenly Father has not abandoned you. In fact, He is with you right now wanting so badly for you to close that gap. We challenge you this week to seek God, and to hear from Him. Tell Him what’s on your mind and ask the Spirit to do His work in You! “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches” Revelation 2:17a.


  1. Pray that you would allow God into your life and to allow the Spirit to work within you

  2. Pray for the Spirit to continue to work in the church and the local communities 

  3. Pray for your friends, family, coworkers, and even people you have met just a couple of times, to seek Jesus and to know of His great love for them

July 11, 2021


As many of you may have seen on our local news, there are wildfires happening at large and many communities such as Lytton, Kamloops, Oliver and many others, are suffering because of it. Many had to evacuate their homes and face the world with many uncertainties. It’s times like this that makes holding on to God so much more significant. For those of us who have been blessed to know Jesus, we know we can have peace in the midst of chaos. But in addition to that, we should also cry out for those who don’t know Jesus and are in the same midst of chaos. We need to come together to not only pray for the earthly needs, but of the spiritual needs as well. We, as believers, need to stand together and pray that the sweet fragrance of knowing Jesus, reaches the ends of the earth. 


  1. Pray that you will continue to thirst to know Jesus more deeply and more intimately

  2. Pray for the communities that are impacted by the recent wildfires

  3. Pray for those who don’t know Jesus, has the opportunity to meet Him

  4. Pray that you will be the vessel for the Spirit to work through in order to further His kingdom

July 18, 2021


If you haven’t listened to the message Lisa Rohrick has shared, please take a moment to listen. You can access it through the homepage which will direct you to the youtube video. She talks about God’s calling and draws examples of how Jesus chose the 12 disciples and how He calls who He calls. Lisa mentions, “[Jesus] wanted you. Let that sink in. The God of all creation who made anything and everything by the power of His word, knowing your sins, your failures, your idiosyncrasy, He picked you.” It’s not about your strengths or weaknesses, it’s not about your assets or your losses - at the end of the day, He picked you, because of you. Think about what that says about God’s nature and character, and what that says about you and your value in God’s eyes. His love is beyond all reason and we are called to respond to that love wherever we may be in life.


  • Pray to draw near to God and to open your heart to hear His calling

  • Pray for those who does not have access to hear for God’s great love

  • Pray to be a vessel for God to use to reach those who needs to be reached